Back when I had acne, this would be a daily occurrence - and people around me would give me tips on how to treat them. I know, I know they were trying to help, but often it was simply bad skin advice (and embarrasing!). I have heard so many bad blemish tips that I am surprised my face is not full of scars - like when my aunt told me to swim in chlorinated water to dry them out, or my former drama teacher's bauty wisdom: to take a bit of my mother's perfume and dab it on each spot. Not only would the high percentage of alcohol blast them of my face, but I would smell like the first floor of a department store.
Well, for those of us who get the occasional zit, here is what you should really do, from an esthetician who went through a decade of terrible break outs:
Germinating Break outs
Like with all things, pimples do not simply appear, but evolve. Sometimes you even have the pleasure of seeing a pimple mature -starting as something small, a little red bump with no visible white pus, slowly gets bigger and bigger, becoming more and more gross. This is commonly when people try to pick their faces, leaving them looking scabbed, and the blemish returning in the next day or so. The best thing to do is to moisturize them - and that is what I did.
Because they had not formed a head, I just slathered on a heavy cream with oil over top of the cream, for a layering of anti-pimple antidote. In two days my blemishes were gone - I avoided them getting to full-sized pimples, but more importantly, I avoided scarring. Now, if you are too late and the pimple is on its way to full blemishdom, this will still help it come out faster, and the faster it comes out, the faster you can get rid of it.
Mount Fuji on Your Face
When you have to deal a blistering pimple, (probably right before public speaking with your ex boyfriend in the audience), there are a couple of things you can do.
If you must get rid of the spot the day of - you need to pick it. So get down and dirty and steam your face for 5 minutes (after cleansing of course), tissue your fingers, and extract it. The pimple should feel flatter and you should have removed all of the pus. Quickly disinfect with an alcohol-free antiseptic like Organic Witch Hazel (using alcohol can lead to scarring), dab the spot with Green Clay and let it sit until the clay is dry to touch. This will not only close up the picked pimple, but also calm the irritated skin and draw out any impurities you didn't take out. After you remove the spot treatment, apply a soothing moisturizer and apply make up.
But this is only in beauty emergencies, if you have a couple of days, I suggest the gentler, less risky solution: dry it out. There is more than one way to do this, but the objective is to dry out the spot, but nor your skin. I recommend applying a Clay Mask just on the blemish and leaving it overnight. After two nights the pimple should be gone or at least significantly reduced. Don't use a very diluted clay or a kaolin clay - they will not be potent enough.
Another route is to use Himalayan Salt. A friend of mine told me that she mixes a pinch of salt with water and dabs it on before bed. Whatever you use, I suggest it be natural and only on the blemish itself - you don't want to dehydrate your healthy skin.
The Cystic Pimple: An underground killer
Sometimes you get those deep, underground boil-like blemishes that do not come to a head at all. We call this Cystic Acne, or Blind Pimples. In these cases, bacteria has gone into the dermis layer of your skin and this deep seated, infected fluid is what causes the painfulness of Cystic Pimples. If you have many Cysts, and break out with them often - you may need to disinfect internally. This is why anti-biotics are so effective for this type of break out - but I have prescribed Neem capsules with excellent results. Neem is a blood cleanser, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and also anti-inflammatory.
Topically, you must stimulate the area. Because this stagnant fluid is Kapha-like in its quality, it can stay on the skin for months at a time in some situations. Applying arnica cream of water heals the area and promotes circulation which will break up the cyst and encourage it to drain. I have personally extracted my own cystic pimples by puncturing it with a sterile needle and removing the fluid, but I would not recommend anyone doing this without a professional. The arnica route is much gentler, and again, evades the risk of scarring.
Below: Dalila at Pure + Simple Oakville, extracting her client professionally with steam.

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ReplyDeleteI know in my heart of hearts that your prescription of applying rich creams and oils onto "germinating break outs" that haven't come to a head yet will work...but it still sounds terrifying! Now I know how important hydrating and moisturizing are to AVOIDING breakouts...but for some reason I'm hesitant to go ahead and oil those under-the-skin, pre-head bumps I get sometimes on my chin. I'm stuck in the notion that I should use a Green Clay treatment to draw out bacteria lurking beneath the surface. Should I really switch from a purifying approach to an oily one?
ReplyDeleteDont be afraid. Try it out! What is the worst that can happen? If it doesnt start to go away, put some clay on it. But, I am sure that you will like the results. But you have to catch it when its just coming out and still small.